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We are looking for investors for briquetting in Republic of Moldova

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Country: Moldova

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note_add 01/02/2012
update 01/02/2012
remove_red_eye 2549
assignmentContact Details
Address: stefanuca
balanuta lilia
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Offer Description - We are looking for investors for briquetting in Republic of Moldova

Moldavian company is planning a project in renewable energy sphere. It would be the organization of wood briquettes (possibly, pellets) manufacturing from the wastes of wood industry.

The idea of the project is to start a manufacturing with a capacity of 60-100 tons of briquettes per month (in case the successful start we are planning to expand production). Place - Ialoveni Region, Republic of Moldova. The average price for 1 ton of briquettes on EXW is 80-90 euro (depending on season). Products can be sold on the domestic market or exported to Europe (in this case, the price of the briquettes can be increased significantly). Operational costs for 1 ton of briquettes are 45-50 Euro. Capital investment in the project (purchase and installation of equipment, rent of buildings, vehicle etc) is estimated as 30-40 thousand Euro. Net payback period of the project is up to 24 months. The amount of necessary investments is 30 thousand Euro. The conditions and terms of investment will be negotiated depending on the capabilities and propositions of the investor. We have a detailed business plan in Republic of Moldova which in case of your interest will be translated into English.

Our initial thinking is to get investments (possibly competitive loan) in order to buy briquetting equipment (possibly, in base of leasing). It would be also possible to supply investor with finished products in order to minimize our selling activities and to gain products for advantageous price for investor.

If you are interested and able to invest more than above mentioned amount of money (in this way the profitability of the project can be significantly raised and the payback period can be decreased till twice less comparably with above mentioned), it is not a problem to organize additional manufacturing plant in our place.

We are open to all your propositions and questions regards this project.

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