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WES 2011

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Country: Russian Federation
City: North Karelia

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note_add 04/30/2010
update 04/30/2010
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Address: North Karelia
Jouko Parviainen
+358 50 431 2297
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Мероприятие - WES 2011

WES 2011 will be organised in Koli, Finland 31 January - 5 February 2011. The conference will focus on green business opportunities. WES 2011 is targeted at wood energy experts, researchers, and enterprises. The conference includes technical visits to heat plants, manufacturing plants and the conference sessions. Two post-conference study tours will be organised; one to the Russian Karelia and the other to North Karelian wood energy sites.

The conference will focus on green business opportunities with themes such as entrepreneurship, sales and marketing of machinery and heat, harvesting and logistics of wood fuels and environmental impacts of wood energy extraction. The speakers will present case studies from around Europe and Canada.

The Russian Karelia study tour will introduce wood energy operations in Russia and a visit to a large scale wood manufacturing plants. Cultural programme is included in the tour.

The call for papers will be opened before the summer and will close 30 October 2010. The registration for the conference will open in August 2010.

The conference is part of the Wenet Centre project funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Regional Council of North Karelia.

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