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World Bioenergy 2012

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Country: Sweden

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note_add 04/03/2012
update 04/03/2012
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Organizer: Svebio
Address: Elmiavagen, SE-554 54
Gustav Melin
+46 (0)8 441 70 81
+46 (0)8-441 70 89
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Мероприятие - World Bioenergy 2012

Once again Sweden and the city of Jönköping will be the international bioenergy focal point hosting the 6th edition of World Bioenergy 29-31 May 2012.

World Bioenergy has successfully evolved during the years. Industrialists are attracted by the opportunities not only to hear about, but also to get hands on experience. Opportunities are provided not only at the fair and demonstration sites but also through daily afternoon tours and the full-day pre- and post-conference transfer tours from the airports in Stockholm and Copenhagen.

This major global bioenergy get-together is based on the unique "Taking you from Know-How to Show-How" concept, combining tradeshow, conference sessions, field excursions and match-making into one comprehensive event.

World Pellets 2012 is once again an integrated part of World Bioenergy, featuring the whole production chain from raw material to market development.

The World Bioenergy conference and exhibition is the professional focal point for the industry. Those who attend are key decision-makers and executives with purchasing power from industry, along with civil servants, academics, politicians, researchers, NGO’s, equipment manufacturers, service suppliers, energy providers, energy buyers, carbon traders, consultants, journalists etc.

World Bioenergy is the ultimate business mixer for all the major movers, shakers and money-makers within the global bioenergy industry.

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