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World Refining Technology Summit & Exhibition 2009

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Country: Austria
City: Vienna

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note_add 09/01/2009
update 09/01/2009
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Organizer: Standard Board
Address: 3065
Hiteshwar Bhakhri
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Мероприятие - World Refining Technology Summit & Exhibition 2009

Despite the measures taken by many governments to slow down the credit crunch, global crisis is felt also by the oil industry. Within last year oil prices plummeted and the demand for the black gold dwindled. Those sudden changes created a difficult commercial landscape in which it is all the more important to keep up with the latest technology advances and stay ahead of your competition.

The World Refining Technology Summit & Exhibition 2009 provides a perfect platform to discuss and learn the latest in refining technology and how to stay abreast of your competitors. Here is where the top professionals and decision-makers from the biggest refining companies in the world network, discuss the hottest industry issues and share ground-breaking ideas.

Service companies and technology providers will exhibit at the Summit and hold One-To-One meetings with carefully selected, invite-only delegates representing the most powerful players in the refining industry.
The World Refining Technology Summit 2009 Topics will include

* One -to -One Business Meetings
* The Current State, Challenges And The Future Of The World Refining Industry
* The Impact Of The Global Recession On The Refining Industry And The Way Out
* Commercial Hydrotreating And Hydrocracking Of Petroleum
* New Catalyst Technologies and Operating Approach for FCC
* Special Roundtable Session: Next Generation Logistics in Oil And Gas
* Refining
* Advanced Technologies for Processing High Margin Feedstock
* New Projects And Developments Of The Refining Industry In Iran
* Roadmap to the Refinery Of The Future
* Vision 2050 - Global Energy Supply Scenarios
* Special Roundtable Session: Asset Management And Maintenance Planning
* State-Of-The-Art Sulphur Recovery Technologies
* Refining In Difficult Economic Times
* Refinery Inspection And Security - Next Generation Solutions
* Precision Measurement Technologies In Refining
* Refinery Automation and Process Control

For more information please contact:
Derek Michalski, Head International Conferences
Tel: 0044 (0) 20 8997 6060
Mob: 0044 (0) 77 33 888 909
E-mail: d.michalski@standardboard.com


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