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World Refining Technology Summit & Exhibition 2010

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Country: UAE
City: Hilton Abu Dhabi

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note_add 09/11/2009
update 09/11/2009
remove_red_eye 4559
Organizer: Standard Board
Address: Mahindra Park
Standard Board
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Мероприятие - World Refining Technology Summit & Exhibition 2010


Improving operation reliability and optimizing production plan to leverage production capacity has never been more important. Companies all over the world adjust product mix and increase the production of high value-added products to meet fluctuating market demands, look for ways to optimise crude procurement and transportation and increase processing volume of sour and heavy crude to reduce procurement cost.

The World Refining Technology Summit And Exhibition 2010 is an ideal perfect platform to discuss and learn the latest in refining technology and how to stay abreast of your competitors. Here is where the top professionals and decision-makers from the biggest oil and gas refining companies in the world discuss the hottest industry issues, network and share their ground-breaking ideas. 

Service and technology providers will exhibit and held one-to-one meetings with carefully selected, invite-only delegates representing the most powerful players in the refining industry.

The main Summit 2010 topics will include: 

The Future Of The Oil And Gas Refining - Vision 2050 - Hydrotreating And Hydrocracking Technologies -RFCC Technologies - Logistics In Oil And Gas Refining - High Margin Feedstocks - Refinery Inspection And Security - Sulphur Recovery - Asset Management And Maintenance Planning - Refinery Automation And Process Control – an many more


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