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XXIst World Energy Congress WEC Montreal 2010

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Мероприятие - XXIst World Energy Congress WEC Montreal 2010


The theme provides the framework to address the main concerns of the energy community, the global leaders and the general public. The WEC has taken a strong commitment to creating a sustainable future analyzing energy issues according to the 4 "A"s which have become its core values.  For each of the four (4) days of the Congress, a challenge will be addressed.

Day 1 Challenge │ ACCESSIBILITY
Meeting Energy Demand :  a Global Challenge Requires Global Solutions

Day 2 Challenge │ AVAILABILITY
What is the Right Energy Mix for Long Term Stability?
Day 3 Challenge │ ACCEPTABILITY 
Energy Solutions for a Living Planet

Day 4 Challenge │ ACCOUNTABILITY
Policies, Regulations and Financing
To work on those 4 issues, the 93 National Member Committees (one in each of the 93 Member countries) collide efforts and information to bring together :
Global studies, that focus on current or emerging high visibility issues facing the global energy sector.

Technical programs, which address ongoing performance, technology or policy issues: 
regular collection;
analysis and dissemination of energy information;
benchmarking, best practices and standards.
Regional Programs, that address specific regional issues and priorities with regional forums, workshops and "signature projects".
WEC's work is carried out by the National Member Committees, who represent policy making bodies, leading energy companies, energy organisation, regulatory authorities, government bodies, academia & research institutes, public and private sector organisations, national energy agencies.

All these Global studies, Technical programmes and task forces, along with regional action plans will be published and discussed at the Montreal Congress in September 2010.

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