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Barack Obama's thoughts on biofuels

Obama's thoughts on

People affect gas and oil prices by their votes. Renewable Fuel and Mixed technologies

People have talked a lot on gas prices and the country's energy dependence within the frames of this year Presidential Campaign. This topic had been sure to become the principal one among American families. Such situation is related with enormous fuels prices growth to the unbelievable level. To make the story clearer Barak Obama program aspects on alternative fuels and energy efficient transportation technologies is being presented for readers' consideration.

The president obtained his victory due to environmental issues support and his direction to pro-environment and alternative energy future for America. The president had also been rewarded with a 100 percent "Environmental Voting Record Award", which had been from the Illinois Environmental Council in 2003.

So let's take more detailed look at Obama program. The first thing goes about $7,000 tax credit provision to those who buy hybrid engine cars. Such credit will provided in goal to introduce 1000000 built-in hybrid engines, which would economize up to 150 mpg) by 2015. The second thing goes about providing American families with their energy bills discounts in the amount of 500 USD for single American and 1000 USD for married couples. The third point goes about offshore development moratorium growth disagreement, instead of making investments into advanced and energy efficient technologies. He disagrees with nuclear energy expansion till the moment the storage for used fuel confirms safety standards. Obama expresses support for fuel economy standards growth by 4 % a year, by thus saving billions of gasoline gallons and greenhouse gases, aiming to double vehicles efficiency within eighteen years.

Another point goes about cap-and-trade program introduction by thus decreasing gas emissions for eighty percents by the year 2050. President offered the federal support of cellulosic ethanol, biobutanol and other type of the next generation of biofuels, tax donations and infrastructure in order to put 60 billions of gallons into national reserve by the year of 2030, National Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) establishment in order to grow the amount of low-carbon non-petroleum fuel at the country market, 150USD billion donations into new renewable energy technologies and renewable fuels development, the creation 5 million new jobs in this domain. Obama goal is also to establish the requirement to produce hybrid engine trucks, the White House transition to built-in electronics following security standards within one year from his appointment, the change of federal government Cars Park into 50% of hybrid and electrics cars by 2012.

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Views: 2144 Added: 24-11-2010