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In Poland the new system of alternative energy support is under approval

Poland the new system of alternative energy

After the recent informal meeting of Polish government members responsible for the development of a new mechanism of renewable energy support the answers to many pressing issues remained open. However, in any case, it became apparent that the patterns of 2011 or 2012 years will not be used.

The discussion, which was attended by the representatives of the Prime Minister Office and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, may not be completed as soon as it was recently promised by Polish Deputy Prime Minister Janusz Pehochinsky.

During the meeting with the entrepreneurs the Deputy Prime Minister announced that in the first half of September the theses of the new law on renewable energy sources will be presented for a public review. Besides this, Pehochinsky added that the new mechanism will be based on the system of auctions or tenders after which the support will be given to the investors counting on making a profit at the expense of energy buyers least of all.

This means that the draft law on renewable energy sources will contain a completely new model of alternative energy support. It should be mentioned that in 2011 the Polish Ministry of Economy proposed to retain in force a currently existing system of green certificates, but to correct ratios depending on the type and size of installations. At the same time the Ministry rejected the variant to approve the guaranteed prices at which alternative energy could be purchased.

After a strong criticism of such a decision, in 2012 there was published the next project providing for the use of certificates with corrected coefficients as well as the establishment of the guaranteed purchase prices for energy. The project, which could be released as early as last year, will probably be the basis for the development of the mechanism of providing the investors with fair tariffs respecting the interests of both energy buyers and sellers.

As the experts in the field of Polish energy legislation say, there is a big probability that the system of green certificates will be replaced by the system of preferential tariffs. Tariff rates will be determined at auctions for each investor separately. According to the results of the auction the support will be given to the investor who expects the lowest level of extra help.

It is expected that after the informal meeting of the government team the new common position on the renewable energy support system will be allocated to the department of inter-agency coordination. In this case these will be more general points rather than specific regulations (like in previous versions of the bill on renewable energy sources in 2011 and 2012).

In Poland the new system of alternative energy support is under approval

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Views: 2884 Added: 02-09-2013