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Pellets market outline for Finland

Market outline for

If to tell in brief about pellets market situation in Finland industry experts separate the following:

1. The country has well developed pellets sector, 80 % of pellets comes to export, pellets heating systems have the capacity from 200 to 500 kW
2. Pellets heating systems usage is financially profitable for heat entrepreneurs, larger heating service providers
3. Oil fuel needs to be replaced for pellets one in order to improve low quality fuel
4. Pellets usage at private houses sector needs to be developed

5. Oil prices growth will prompt pellets market development in the country.

Find below the detailed specifications experts provide for pellets market description in Finland. They think that market situation in this country can be currently regarded as quite satisfactory and deal that pellets manufacturing good development to be the special feature for Finland.

Here manufacturing volumes exceed the consumption volumes by 4 – 5 times. Most part of pellets manufactured in Finland is sent to export to such countries as Sweden, Denmark, Holland and UK.
Some market segments can be considered to be the strict domain for pellets. The pellets usage is widespread at buildings heating and small- scale heating systems with the boiler capacity ranging from 50 to 500 kW. Bigger heating installations prefer using wood chips. Pellets are mostly used when the heat is supplied by independent heat supply contractor. The pellet heating installations do not require much maintenance and control, can easily be managed on an automatic basis, by thus considering to be secured autonomous installations.

Private houses owners do not deal much with pellets, though the number of pellet heating systems is rapidly increasing now. One of the barriers, slowing the pellets heating systems development is low prices for fuel oil and electricity, plus pellets usage at private houses is not widely supported among the community. The pellets heating systems usage is favored by providing financial grants to private heating utilities companies or other manufacturing companies, installing pellets heating equipment. Though the growth of oil prices prompted the pellets heating units demand increase.

The pellets pricing in Finland varies depending on the amount one wants to buy. Low amounts of pellets, less than 3 tons can be bought at hardware shops. In case of bigger amount purchase the logistics is provided, the product may be delivered to any part of the country directly to end user home with the help of truck with pneumatic unloading.
The country deals with pellets combustion equipment manufacturing as well. Mainly it goes about separate burners and boilers, though the mixture of burner and boiler did not gain much development.

Pellets market outline for Finland

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Views: 3465 Added: 21-04-2010