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100 000 tones of pellets made of waste from the wood-chemical complex on Yenisey

The general director of NV "Angara Peipa" informed that the technical meeting of the specialists from NV "Angara Peipa", "Sodra group" (Sweden), "Marubeni corporation" (Japan), "Poury group" (Finland), NV "Lesinvest" and NV "RRIP" devoted to the implementation of the project on building the wood-chemical complex "Angara Peipa" in Yeniseiskiy region of Krasnoyarskiy krai took place in St. Petersburg.        

The project "Angara Peipa" with 3,2 billion of a total investment volume offers the building the wood-chemical complex with an annual production volume of a  coniferous bleached pulp – 900 thousand tones, dissolving pulp – 300 thousand tones, industrial wood – 380 thousand of m3 and fuel granules (pellets) – 100 thousand tones.

As for wood granules, the production of 100 thousand tones of pellets (pressed fuel granules made of wood waste) will be organized as a part of the present project.

The general director of NV "Angara Peipa" stressed that two foreign strategic partners take part in the project. They are the biggest producers of  pulp on the world market, yet they participate in this project as a turnkey contractor (Japanese company) and a technical consultant (Sweden company). 

"Marubeni" takes part in the project as an EPC-contractor, in other words as a projector, a buyer of equipment and a builder. "Marubeni" is one of the biggest commercial and industrial corporations in Japan. For the time being it implements the building of two pulp plants in China and Vietnam. The main documents for the meeting were prepared by the specialists of a Finnish company "Poury group" and NV "Angara Peipa".

First time in the world

The planned enterprise is supposed to hire 4,5 thousand of highly skilled professionals, 3,5 thousand of them will work at timber harvesting. The biggest stake is made on the local staff as well young specialists – alumnus of the technical universities of Krasnoyarsk.

As the general director of NV "Angara Peipa" said, the main target of the meeting in St. Petersburg was to regulate all disputable questions, connected with the technical parameters of the plant and the technical characteristics which are important for the company projecting.

Mikchail Azanov informed that the 1st stage of the plant including a total mechanical wood processing, is planned to be launched till the end of 2014, then the production of industrial wood and wood pellets is intended to reach its full capacity. It’s also planned to provide the sufficient level of lumbering which is necessary for a proper work of the complex.

 "Angara Peipa" received the documents connected with a preliminary choice of two lots for building the future production in Yeniseiskiy region of Krasnoyarskiy krai. These lots are located on two banks of Yenisei river: the production platform will be on the right bank and the cargo terminal for supporting the production until a bridge is built will be located on the left bank.

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