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Actual prices of fuel pellets on the Polish market in the first quarter of 2013

According to the annual EU report on the biofuel sector, European countries are the world's largest consumer of wood pellets. The total consumption of the biofuel was 14 m tons in 2013.

Wood pellet producers are in all counties of the Old World. Thus, more than 500 big European enterprises made produced about 11,2 m tons of wooden pellets in 2013. Key players on the pellet market are the countries, which government and legislation are much concerned about environmental protection, namely - Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Italy and Germany.

It is known that there was a big demand for wood pellets on the Polish market as for domestic heating and industrial purposes. Important benefits of wood pellets are not only its ecological compatibility and high heat output, but also the cost of this type of biofuel, that is almost 50% lower than the price of heating oil and almost 20% lower than the price of natural gas.

In Poland it was produced about 600 000 tons of wood pellets in 2013.  As in the previous year there were about million tons of wood pellets together with other imported products on the Polish market.

However, due to the collapse of the Polish green certificate market, the dynamic growth of wood pellet market, that we have observed in recent years, abruptly stopped in 2013. The situation on the Polish solid biofuel market remains complex from the middle of 2013 and until now. "In this unstable certificate situations further development of the wood pellet market is impossible, as the wood pellet market is a part of the biomass market", - said Marek Cecerko, head of  the thermal power plant of Mondi Swiecie company and member of Board of Directors of  Polish Biomass Chamber.

Average  prices of different pellet  types in Poland in 2013:

Wood pellets:

For domestic use (including 23% VAT):

wholesale purchases: 145-185 EUR/t;

in big bags: 155-185 EUR/t;

in sacks of 15/20/25 kg: 170-220 EUR/t;

For industrial use (excluding VAT):

wholesale purchases: 105-120 EUR/t.

Other types of pellets:

For domestic use (including 8% VAT):

wholesale purchases: 95-130 EUR/t;

in big bags: 110-135 EUR/t;

in sacks of 15/20/25 kg: 120-155 EUR/t.

For industrial use (excluding VAT):

wholesale purchases: 90-105 EUR/t.

In the first quarter of 2014 according to the Ukrainian biofuel portal pellets-wood.com, the actual prices оn the Polish pellet market  are as follows (gross price):

West Poland: from 800 – 1050 PLZ/t (190 – 250 EUR/t);

East: 680 – 1100 PLZ/t (162 EUR/t – 262 EUR/t);

North: 740 – 1107 PLZ/t (176 EUR/t – 264 EUR/t);

South: 550 – 1200 PLZ/t (131 EUR/t – 286 EUR/t).

It is seen that pellet cost has grown in Poland as a result of conjuncture changes of supply and demand, toughening imports of solid biofuel and reducing volume of foreign deliveries.

Bottom wood pellet prices are fixed in the South and East of the country, due to the proximity of the region to the main countries that export wood pellets in Poland - Ukraine and Belarus. Top pellet prices are fixed in the western regions of Poland.

The experts claim that improving the wood pellet situation in Poland should not be expected without changes in the Polish government’s policy concerning the green certificate market.

Author: Ivan Prokhorov

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