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American biofuel producers look forward to hearing the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision in 2015

Joe Job, an executive director of the National Biodiesel Commission announced the necessity to improve the fuel standards and appealed to the Environmental Protection Agency to hurry up.

In Washington the hot debates for biofuel standards approved back in time by ex-President Gorge Bush are in process. The problem is the share of bioethanol in the national fuel supply reached the extremely high level. In the end of 2013 the Environmental Protection Agency announced the ethanol quantitative ratio in blended fuel is so high that it could cause certain damages to engines. Besides starting from 2010 the oil production was increased by 80 per cent and that allowed the government to institute a ban for crude oil import. That deprived the biofuel manufacturer to reduce the foreign oil reliance which was their main statement.

This situation led the biofuel industry into the legislative dead end since the Environmental Protection Agency did not review the fuel standards since November 2013. That inflicted certain losses for the manufacturers and led them to bankruptcy. The first one who suffered was Green Earth Fuels, a Houston-based company.

The new regulatory document was supposed to be approved two month ago and this delay caused hot debates between oil producers and biofuel manufacturers. However Mr Job stays optimistic and considers there is a chance to find potential partners among the oil producers for the future cooperation.

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