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BIO and other industry organizations ask Obama for advanced biofuels technology policy review

According to industry experts opinion the US biofuel political direction should be aimed at putting advanced biofuels and biobased goods technologies on a commercial basis. Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), Algal Biomass Organization and Advanced BioFuels Association expressed the approval of president administration will to develop country economy and decrease US reliance on foreign oil supplies via creating strong country biofuel and biobased production sector and specified the important policies directions, which would aid biofuel companies solutions to be brought to marker from lab.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack got specific commendation from BIO for Biomass Crop Assistance program investment and enrollment requirements finalization, as this program would significantly help farmers in planting and collecting new crops, further forwarded for energy generation. The aforementioned organization had also supported Agriculture Secretary announcement about the creation of five new regional Biomass Research Centers in frames of USD. Such centers take up the development of sophisticated biofuel and biobased products supplies. This organization had stood by the DA announcement about the investment of five biorefineries construction, done in frames of Biorefinery Assistance Program. BIO had also highly appreciated the president administration aim to increase biofuels application in federal cars park, as well as the conclusion of memorandum of understanding with Federal Aviation Administration, taking into account that federal and military departments had been the first to adopt biofuels.

According to Brent Erickson, executive vice president of BIO's Industrial & Environmental Section, that in order to reduce its dependence on foreign oil supplies, the country has to develop and manufacture big amounts of sophisticated biofuels rapidly. The nation has to develop thorough policy in order to promote the business growth of the most perspective new generation biofuel and biobased goods. Such programs are the basis of sufficient advanced biofuels policy. Mixed with appropriate tax support policy, constant following of Renewable Fuel Standard, such policy will provide thousands of jobs and give competitive transportation fuels and goods. The expert names the Vilsack's announcement to be another positive pace in elaborating exact set of political measures which would lead to the accomplishment of the alternative energy goals, set by the government.

The expert mentioned about more than 65 planned and existing projects in more than thirty states, the aim of which is to provide rapid growth of advanced biofuels and biobased products manufacturing. He said that the domain had already started creating jobs and making investment opportunities. Unfortunately the dates fixing, quick pace technology development and president administration support had not been enough didn't help the domain to save capital for sophisticated important robust biofuel production installations

Industry experts' organizations had also expressed their readiness to collaborate with White House and Congress in order to provide help in overcoming existing problems via creating the tax code equality between renewable technologies, modification of federal investment programs for quickening of biorefinery plants construction and followingRenewable Fuel Standard goals.

The report called "U.S. Economic Impact of Advanced Biofuels", prepared by BIO confirmed that the building of advanced biofuels biorefinery plants would create thousands of jobs within next few years and hundreds of thousands by 2030 and provide 140 billion USD to country economy development. It would also save 350 billion USD spent for foreign oil import since now till 2022. Besides this BIO's official paper called "Biobased Chemicals and Products: A New Driver of U.S. Economic Development and Green Jobs" confirmed that planned biobased chemical and plastic industry development (manufactured in advanced biorefinery plants as well) would prompt the creation of thousand more jobs. This domain, which has 4% of the market had already provided five thousands seven hundred jobs in US and partially to 40000 jobs in other countries.

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