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Blue Ridge Biofuels starts up the new biofuel plant in 2015

Despite the oil prices fall a new biofuel plant will start its work in Catawba County.

The annual designed capacity amounts to 3 mln gallons of biofuel with vegetable oil as a raw material. The delivery contracts signed with more than 600 restaurants.

Blue Ridge Biofuels keeps its expansion at the biofuel market despite the low prices for oil and the National Agency of environmental protection unstable position. The Agency has not approved yet any requirements concerning the biofuel consumption. To achieve its goal the company seeks support from the Appalachian State University and Catawba County. The total amount supported by the state and the federal government is $1,6 mln. The start up of this enterprise will give the North Carolina an opportunity to save its leadership at the US alternative energy market as there are 16 per cent of gas stations selling biodiesel at the state territory.

The executives support biofuel production for several reasons. The most important are reducing the level of environmental pollution and use of the renewable energy sources excluding went down in price oil.

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