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Boeing, Etihad, GE and MIST introduced a unique biofuel project in 2015

A new hub of green energy production is planned to be constructed in the UAE and referred to the new concept of alternative energy development.

Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium (SBRC) established by Etihad Airways, Boeing and Honeywell UOP announced signing the contract with IMECO. Within this contract the aviation biofuel plant is planned to be constructed. The estimated start up is set for the end of the next summer.

The market experts consider the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology’s research will change the rules at the biofuel high level production market. After such a project implementation the UAE will prove that biofuel production can be combined with the food production. To achieve this goal the agricultural crops will be cultivated that do not require farmlands or water as wheat or soybean do. Abu Dhabi has small water supply and all the researching should take the available resources such as sun, sand and sea water into consideration. Within the pilot project the sea water will be used for fish and shrimps farming and their waste products will be used for salt-sensitive crops fertilization. These halophytes with high level of fat content will be used as raw material for aviation biofuel production and all the unprocessed wastes will be used for mangle trees growing. These trees will absorb the remaining nourishment. The complex will be based at the 20 000 square meters area and the researching will be proceeded using the six bulk liquid containers. In case of success the UAE will solve the food import dependency problem and the aviation industry will reduce the environmental pollution level. 

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