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Chinese investors will assess the situation in alternative energy in Ukraine

The Chinese delegation, which included representatives of the China National Group Corporation of building materials (CNBM), and the Office of the Adviser on Trade and Economic Affairs at the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine, was unable to meet with the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine.

As Ukrainian officials explained, the meeting did not take place because of the tight schedule and high congestion management agencies. In turn, members of the Chinese delegation expressed their dissatisfaction. Recall that at the beginning of the current year on the basis of recommendations made by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, it was decided to reduce the tariffs for electricity generated at the expense of renewable energy sources.

Thus, the Ukrainian government has violated the terms of the contract with CNBM, which is not only one of the largest investors in the Ukrainian alternative energy, but also one of the leaders of the relevant market. During the whole period of its activity in Ukraine, the volume of investments amounted to CNBM amounted 1 billion dollars, and its solar power plants produce 1,000 MW.

As part of the settlement of the existing conflicts, the delegation has already met with the leadership NKREKP, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, and also made a corresponding statement at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety.

On his return to China by the delegation will report its findings to the heads of relevant ministries of China.

It is worth mentioning that since the beginning of the year foreign investors have been filed 10 lawsuits on the violation of the Ukrainian government investment commitments.

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