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Consumption of natural gas by housing and communal services of Ukraine decreased by 1.1 billion m3 during 3 years

Today housing and communal services of Ukraine consumes by 10 % less of gas than 3 years ago. Only during last 9 months of this year HCS consumed on 544 million m3 (equal to 8 %) of natural gas less than during the same period in 2012. In 2013, the production of thermal energy cost about 6.5 billion m3.

According to the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, this was due to the investment programs for heat supply with the help of which in 2010 - 2013 equipment of about 3,400 boilers was upgraded and energy-efficient technologies were implemented.

Just about 380 boilers are now working on alternative fuels and about 1000 km of heating systems were replaced with new ones. Modernization of heating systems and transition to alternative fuels reduced natural gas consumption by 1.1 billion m3.

Energy efficiency was the main point of the process of preparation for the heating season. During this period, 1126 boilers were replaced, 1073 boiler were overhauled, 667 boiler were reconstructed as well as about 500 km of heating systems were replaced that reduced natural gas consumption up to 5 - 6 % before the end of 2013.

Also there are works on decentralization and implementation of modular boilers. For three years 2000 new boilers began to operate and the length of heating systems was reduced to 1,235 km. Until the end of 2013 100% of the enterprises of heat energy and water supply will be provided with special devices for equipment maintenance. Currently such devices already have 93% of heating sources.

Now the heating is provided by 24 686 boilers that give heating to all kindergartens - 13 859 premises, schools - 19 362 premises, hospitals - 6 481 premises and 174 591 residential buildings.

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