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"Dozavtomaty" plant in Kirovograd starts producing solid fuel boilers

The search of alternatives for expensive gas is one of the priorities for the regional authorities in Kirovograd.

The number of directions from the head of the regional state administration and the director of the regional organization "Partiya Regionov" Sergey Larin is devoted to this topic. Mr. Larin informed that the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich set the particular objective to be fulfilled by the State government body – within a short term to ensure in regions the implementation of the activities connected with energy saving and using alternative energy sources from national producers.

During the meeting in ODA he informed that the topic of the alternative for the Russian gas became really hot for Ukraine due to an extremely high rate for this energy carrier charged to Ukraine. These days the price for the Russian gas, which Ukraine has to pay, is the highest in the world, our state loses 500 million dollars monthly just to cover its export costs, this sum reaches 6 billion UAH per year! Kirovograd region has the practical experience of introducing alternative technologies. Thus Sergey Larin and the heads of the district state administration visited the plant of weight-dosing equipment in Kirovograd where a self made solid fuel boiler was demonstrated to them.

The director of the plant Yevgeniy Tkachiov told that any types of biofuel may be used for this boiler. The main advantage of the boiler is its ability to function automatically, the man’s participation is demanded only for charge of fuel, moreover there is no need to install any additional equipment. The design department of the plant has already constructed a range of boilers with the power from 20 to 400 kW. As Yevgeniy Tkachov says, this boiler features a higher efficiency, a low level of ash content, in addition its automated mechanism completely excludes the possibility of emergency cases and makes this equipment safe for people and environment.

After studying the boiler’s technical characteristics, its functional principle and price offers the governor concluded that the start of such production gives all necessary conditions for introducing energy saving technologies needed for heating social facilities, moreover it allows to get rid of the traditional gas and coal heating systems.

According to Mr. Larin’s words, the installation of such solid fuel boilers in the local social facilities will let not only save budgetary funds and heat premises well, but also launch the full cycle of a local production.

The governor also stated that the equipment from Kirovograd and raw materials for own production is the guarantee of an energetic stability of the region. He set a goal for his field-specific assistants and branch administrations to develop the mechanism of purchasing such boilers by social facilities through attracting a local business for this.

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