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Drax is to be developed by chief executive Andy Koss

Drax Power Station is the UK biggest supplier of renewable energy. This power plant is converting its units at present in order to involve biomass in the production of electricity. There are three of six units, which have already been converted. It means that this former coal-fired power station is enabled to generate cleaner and relatively cheaper energy.

Transformation of Drax Power Station

This transformation was launched within the UK energy strategy. The main goal of national energy policy is to reduce the use of fossil fuels and replace them with biomass. In this case, the share of renewable power sources is to reach 50% of Drax Power Station general output by 2016.

Drax Power Station has already achieved a great deal: approximately 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide have been saved since three units were converted. It means that this power plant is able to save about 12 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

Andy Koss contributes to the development of Drax

These results were achieved in large part due to an effective management. At the moment, Andy Koss is a chief executive of Drax Power. He has been working at the Drax Power Group since 2005. The first step on his career ladder was position of group treasurer.

Andy Koss was to lead refinancing work as part of Drax’s Stock Exchange listing. As he has a bachelor's degree in Maths, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics and was previously engaged at investment banking, he was experienced enough for this job.

After having completed this task, he held several senior posts within the financial department of Drax Power in order to provide changes required. It is important to underline that he was also appointed at the position of director of strategy. His task was to address regulatory issues, develop environmental strategy and provide business development.

It is remarkable that Drax Power Station has become the most energy efficient and environmental-friendly power plant in the United Kingdom during Koss' appointment that lasted for 18 months.

The main tasks for Andy Koss at Drax Power

In this case, Andy Koss was promoted to the position of chief executive in May 2015. After having been appointed, he claimed that his main goal was to complete the conversion of the third unit from coal to biomass. In addition, one of his priorities was to encourage the government of the United Kingdom to provide conversion funding totaling £700 million.

Andy Koss also underlined that his task was to achieve the set of goals, which consists of decarbonisation of power generation, security of electricity supply and affordability of renewable energy. In this context, significant state investments are required.

According to Koss, the Conservatives do realize the importance of renewable energy sector Consequently, they are ready to help Drax Power station to hit the target. Moreover, he is going to continue to talk with the government about the necessity of converting the fourth coal-fired unit.

He has also contributed to creation of new jobs at Drax Group. Recent data reveals that there are 1,400 employees at Drax. 850 of them are based in Selby, where a new port to receive wod pellets from the USA is built. The construction of this port created approximately 200 new jobs.

In addition, the Drax chairman Phil Cox announced that group operations director Peter Emery would have left his position by the end of the current year. What is more, Andy Koss is to be appointed instead of Emery at the beginning of 2016.

Personal facts about Andy Koss

Andy Koss has revealed some interesting information about himself. For instances, he considers that one of his biggest achievements was his working on Drax's listing in 2005.

However, if he had an opportunity to have another job, he would prefer to be a math teacher. Andy Koss was tutoring when he was at university. He liked that experience a lot; that is why he considers that he would enjoy working at school.

Nevertheless, he would like to spend more time with his family. Though he is proud of his job and his team at Drax Power, he recalls 2005. That was a time, when he was preparing the house for their first child. Andy Koss believes that it was his another great achievement. That is to say, that his family plays exceedingly important role in his life.

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