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Ecologists inform about a possible harm from wood chips combustion

A number of activists assures that the combustion of ecologically inoffensive materials is three times more harmful than the combustion of coal.

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg made a joint declaration to prohibit the combustion of coal in the electric power stations until a technology of elimination of carbon dioxide emissions is not developed.

Heretofore, the American organizations of Dogwood Alliance and the Natural Resources Defense Council had a meeting with Ed Dave, the energy minister of Great Britain in purpose to make him stop the work of Drax Company electric power station, situated in Yorkshire and which rates as the second in Europe by the amount of emissions. The Royal Bird Protection Society joined this demand. These demands were made in spite of the fact that, not so long ago this station reduced the amount of carbon dioxide emissions by eight millions of tonnes per year by having adjusted two out of six boilers to the combustion of pellets.

The reason for this demand is the estimation of ecologists that the combustion of wood fuel is one of the most significant threats to forests, which are the major natural habitat for wild animals and plants. In the last year the group of 60 world leading ecologists under the direction of biologist Edward Osborne Wilson, has written a letter to sir Dave with a demand to reconsider "his fallacious energy policy".

Prerequisite for these demands is a steeply increased import of pellets to Great Britain, which attained the amount of 3, 5 millions of tonnes per year. Almost all of them are used by electric power stations and are exported from the south-eastern regions of the USA. The broad-leaved forests good for the fauna are in abundance in those regions, that’s why ecologists express their apprehension about an irreparable harm inflicted by the industry of alternative fuel production.

Conventionally the forests are regarded as a renewable source of energy, because the trees after being cut down have a tendency to grow up, absorbing carbon dioxide generated during the wood combustion. But it is not so simple as it may seem, the growth process of trees takes decades.

In their turn, the producers of pellets and Drax Company as well firmly refute all these accusations. They assert that for the production of pellets they use as raw material exclusively side-products and wood processing wastes, which are inapplicable for saw-mills, and also ill and crooked trees.

While all these discussions persist, we can observe a gradual forest disappearance. A rise in demand makes timber enterprises more and more lucrative, which means that the amount of deforestation will increase.

An independent worldwide certification of forestland, which will guarantee the procedure of forestland tract deforestation can produce a comprehensive solution to this problem. Drax Company welcomes this idea, but the producers of pellets voice their doubts about its efficacy and until their opinion is not changed, the situation remains the same.

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