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Energy saving projects in the year of 2015 are supposed to attract a record amount of investments

With all its advantages and disadvantages energy-saving proves to be the simplest, the cheapest and the ecologically cleanest way of power consumption.

According to official statistics, IEA Countries have saved about 743 milliards of dollars thanks to energy saving technologies. This sum is equivalent to 1, 4 milliards of tonnes of oil. It is worth mentioning that as well as IEA Countries other countries increase their investments in development and in implantation of energy saving technologies, and at present the rates of such investments constitute more than 360 milliards of dollars, which goes beyond the amount of means allocated for energy saving sources researches.

This situation arose due to the economic effect of corresponding expenditure. The report issued by the American Council of Energy Efficient Economy reveals that an average worth of one kilowatt-hour in the USA constitutes 0, 1 dollar, while all necessary measures aimed at saving the same amount of energy cost 0, 028 dollar.

When considering energy saving measures "in section", we can see that the lion’s share of power consumption (31%) accounts for heating and conditioning of premises. This is exactly the direction followed by many scientific-research groups. Pertamina Energy Tower skyscraper, 99-storied building can be held up as an example of this work. According to this project, its power supply will be carried out exclusively with the help of solar, geothermal and wind energy. The export and the consumption of homemade energy is also envisaged.

What concerns the reconstruction of the existing premises ,the British Real Estate  Association Circle Housing which comprises 65000 housing estates can be held up as an example here. They are all rented by the British having a rather low level of income (20000 pounds sterling per year), that’s why the way of efficient energy use remains one of the crucial questions for them. Owing to such methods as double-glass units, thermal insulation of walls and attics, as well as the application of optimal energy saving plans, tenants can decrease their expenses on the electricity from 2000 pounds sterling to 1450 pounds sterling. Unfortunately, these measures are not able to solve the problem entirely as they require large-scale single investments.

Sergey Kozlov, the leading analyst of Ukrainian biofuel portal pellets-wood.com considers that the attraction of companies involved in implanting energy saving technologies appears to be the right way out of this situation. These companies guarantee a decrease in energy prices by updating accommodations. In their work they reckon on a saving principle by means of work amount and have a possibility to attract external investments at financial markets. A total volume of this industry constituted 74, 5 milliards of dollars in the year of 2014, and by the year of 2023 this index is expected to increase twofold.

Reliability of these companies is confirmed by the financial market reaction, which directed its investments for long-term projects having a low degree of risk after the year of 2008. In the year of 2014 the volume of fix income securities aimed at financing and providing energy saving projects, constituted 40 milliards of dollars. For the current year a forecasted volume will constitute 100 milliards of dollars.

It is worth mentioning that among all the fields of alternative energy, it is solar energy that demonstrates the best dynamics of attracting investments. In the last year the financing of solar panels installation by SolarCity Company became one of the most significant investment projects. The total amount of means attracted by the Company as well as by its partners Goldman Sachs and Google constituted 5 milliards of dollars. The project implies solar panels leasing, installed at the expense of Company’s means. Thereafter, the Company accumulates means and emits fix income securities with payback period from one to seven years. Project profitability is also guaranteed due to the factor that the attraction of capital for standard public utilities is by 300% higher than the capital worth attracted for the solar energy field.

Taking into account the above mentioned facts, we can ascertain the fact that in near future energy saving technologies together with alternative types of fuel will go into competition with traditional energy. It stands to reason that this moment can be retarded by the joint lobby of politicians and oil industry representatives, and if it happens, the consequences can be disastrous for everyone.

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