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Great Britain intends to use biomass instead of coal

According to Reuters’s (London) info, at present Great Britain makes its biggest bet on biomass opposing it to oil and gas which are more expensive and harmful for environment. However, a total reliance on import would mean a serious threat for a domestic power sector as well as explorations connected with low-carbon technologies.

While using wood waste, sunflower husks or animal feces, it’s always possible to calculate a so called  "baseload" power, what gives biomass an advantage over such its renewable rivals as the sun and wind. Moreover, the companies producing biomass could be a decent alternative for gas power stations, which mainly generate profits by raising their prices. 

One of the ways to penetrate the British energy market with biomass is to start converting coal-burning power plants. This will be 75% cheaper than to found and launch the new enterprise.       

As the chief of bioenergetic company Poyry affirms, biomass is an ideal material for non-stop energy production, it’s always available in contrast to the solar or wind. 

British biomass plants – are the biggest in Europe. According to forecasts of "Emerging Energy Research" agency by 2035 their share will be 20% of the whole European power market. Moreover, a big British purpose is to get 15% of power from sustainable resources by 2020. 

Potential problems

One of the problems for British biomass plants is the lack of the necessary feedstock.  Therefore, the biggest part of raw materials will have to be shipped from such faraway countries as Canada and Australia, what causes big doubts regarding reasonability of such a production process. 

If to take into account that within the following 25 years the demand for biomass in British countries is intended to rise, whatever failures in oversea delivery of materials may influence the whole production process negatively. In addition the analysis proves that today any valuable, long-term agreement with foreign suppliers is a rather rare thing.

According to James Barrett-Miles’ words, the financial director in Ernst & Young company, it’s obviously important for biomass producing companies to sign a real, long-lasting and profitable contract for feedstock delivery. Still Mr. James also says, that an increasing demand from various non-utility companies as well as private producers leads to extension of biomass supply chain.   

British government tries to revive a foregone biomass boom through introducing the system of so-called Renewable Obligation Certificates and by paying to dedicated companies about 84 euro per megawatt-hour.

The biggest part of utility firms also started using biomass instead of coal, and by such a cost effective method they decreased their harmful emissions. Some of these companies burn biomass and coal simultaneously (it’s so called co-firing).

The marketing specialist who analyses a modern British power sector said, that now it’s a very good time for converting from coal to biofuel. Besides an attractive price producers may receive a "green" certificate. Moreover they have a good saving not having need to pay for carbon emission permit.  

One of the most polluting British factories have already started using biomass along with coal and this year intends to increase the volume of its mixed fuel till 20%.

This January British subsidiary enterprise of the German power company RWE converted its plant to biomass completely, trying to increase the production profitability.

Still there exists one uncertainty related to companies of such kind. Due to the European legislation which cares of environment, these firms will have to finish their work by 2015 if the British authorities don’t re-license them till then.

Существует одна лишь загвоздка, связанная с такими предприятиями. Согласно европейскому законодательству, оберегающему окружающую среду, эти компании должны будут закрыться к концу 2015 года, если власти Великобритании не захотят выдать им новую лицензию на производство биомассы.

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