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Holyhead biomass power plants require new high-qualified employees

The use of renewable power sources is growing. That is why it is time the UK energy producers paid more attention to this issue through the extended funding and specialist trainings.

Holyhead biomass project announced to set up a new excellent center

In this context, head managers of biomass and food project in Holyhead have announced to create an excellence center. This initiative is backed by Chinese company SinoFortone Group, which is going to invest £2 billion in the construction of two 299MWe biomass power stations. These power plants will be built by Orthios Eco Parks on Anglesey and Port Talbot in South Wales.

Beyond that, Orthios Eco Parks Limited in cooperation with Bangor University intends to establish the Combined Food and Power (CFP) Center of Excellence in both North (Holyhead) and South (Port Talbot) Wales. SinoFortone is suppsed to join to this initiative in order to commit a £30 million investment, which will be valid during the next three years.

New high-qualified staff will serve the Holyhead biomass-fired power plants

The main goal of such education facilities creation is a necessity to train high-qualified specialists, who will management at the new-built power stations. The first one is going to be built on the Anglesey Orthios Eco Park. This education project is elaborated in cooperation with the Bangor University. It will also involve the local secondary schools and colleges.

The staff trained by such education centers is to manage new Orthios Eco Park facilities in China and in the other countries as well.

Holyhead biomass project is to involve the Bangor University experience

It is necessary to add that the Bangor University has co-worked with the Orthions and SinoFortone ventured group since the very beginning of the project. Such choice of partner university is easily explained: the Bangor University has taken a part in the similar project before. Consequently, it is experienced enough to render a necessary assistance in the staff training.

In order to confirm this statement, a Vice-Chancellor of Bangor University, professor John Hughes claims that the University is able to conduct a successful implementation of this educational project, as it has been involved project development since the earliest stage.

In this case, Albert Owen, Anglesey MP, is also convinced that the Ortions Eco Park and the Bangor University partnership will give an opportunity to provide the country with the high-qualified specialists, who will be able to improve the production of the renewable energy.

New biomass power stations will be more efficient

The Bangor University will also help to improve new-built 299MWe biomass power stations. The point is that these power plants will use the wood pellets to product electricity. The combustion of such biomass comes amid carbon dioxide emission. It is supposed to be used for the hydroponic centers fueling, where different vegetables (for instance, tomatoes or lettuce) will be cultivated in the water.

It is also interesting, that the heat and water will not be wasted by power stations all in vain. These energy sources are to fuel the world biggest on-land aquaculture facility, which is considered to produce millions of kilos of fresh shrimp and fish each year.

Holyhead biomass-fired power plants are to create new jobs

This substantial project is exceedingly important for the economy of Wales. During the 2009 economic crisis, more than 400 employees lost their jobs in Holyhead. In this context, the Orthions and SincoFortone shared project will create approximately 500 new jobs there.

It is necessary to underline that the energy industry is one of the most important for the United Kingdom. The data reveals that one of the forty eight employees is connected to the energy production sector. This branch is considered to be national, as it is not devoted to the certain regions of the United Kingdom. The energy industry network covers all the country.

Moreover, the construction of the 299MWe biomass power stations demands approximately 600 new jobs. Consequently, more than 1000 employees in Wales will gain a job. It is evident, that this amount of new jobs created is significant.

These plants creation will have been finished by 2017.

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