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In 2015 Ukraine will start huge reforms in power sector

2014 crises showed lack f protection and development in Ukrainian power market.

In 2014 Ukraine faced stockout of all energy resources types. The reason for that was constant reducing of gas production and lack of coal after losing Donbass where the anthracite coal was produced. Atomic energy power could not fix that situation as "Energoatom" had already reviewed its plans concerning the power units’ improvement which demonstrated the highest 60% efficiency of overall energy produced. Ukraine still uses non-effectively its energy resources. The first task for government should reduce the usage of fossil fuels and convert to the renewable energy sources.

There are all the conditions to do that but to increase the part of the renewable energy up to 11% from the total amount of energy recourses by 2020 and reduce the annual gas consumption in $ 9 billion cubic meters there is the $ 15 billion investments are needed. This amount is not sufficient as the energy resources import costs for Ukraine are about $12 billion annually.

And we came to conclusion that in Ukraine the century of the traditional energy resources only is over. The most prospective is hydroenegy which is in the third place in the power complex in Ukraine. By the way, in Ukraine people use only 50% of all national hydro energy power resources. Some international organizations announced about their plans to make the investments into this power section development.  For example, the European Investment Bank and the World Bank provide the country with the special funds of $1 billion for Kanev water-storage power station construction.

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