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Market analysts expect a decrease in rape yield in the year of 2015

A decrease may constitute 11% in comparison with the previous year

Quotation of Euronext rape futures display a growth during the last two weeks in succession. At present, the worth of rape per tonne, according to May contracts, is estimated at 406, 4 U.S dollars. In that way, the stock exchange reacts to the experts declaration forecasting a decrease in European rape yield by 21, 5 millions of tonnes.

An anomalously warm autumn of 2014 has led to this situation and provoked a rapid growth of winter crops and a susceptibility to vermin. The prohibition against insecticide application based on neonicotinamides, made it impossible for farms to protect their crops effectively. Besides, probable spring frosts can lead to a graver winter rape perishing.

Sergey Kozlov, the leading analyst of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal pellets-wood.com considers that this situation may lead to an increased demand for the Ukrainian rape from the traditional countries-customers such as France, Holland and Germany and to correct the expected fall in export volumes that is forecasted for the current year at a level of 1, 8 millions of tonnes.

Author: Ivan Prokhorov

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