Если у Вас возникли вопросы по Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine wants to replace ethanol in gasoline by bio-component based on it, отправьте сообщение!
The Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine has proposed to replace bioethanol, which is included in the composition of gasoline, by bio-component based on it, and also to increase the amount of it in fuel to 10 % by 2016. These changes were included to the draft of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine "On alternative fuels".
The explanatory note to the bill states that The Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine developed this document in order to fix problems with the addition of ethanol into gasoline for the development of companies that produce alternative fuels.
The Law of Ukraine "On alternative fuels" obliges to add not less than 5% of bioethanol to gasoline that are produced and/or sold in Ukraine before 01.01.2014.
But more than a half of the cars with petrol engines, registered in Ukraine, are not adapted to work using gasoline with ethanol content greater than 5%.
Taking into account this fact, it is better to add in gasolines not pure bioethanol, but bio-component based on it, which includes anti-corrosion additives and stabilizing additives.
Thus, the bill introduces a decrease of the proportion of production that is defined regulatory, and use of biofuels and engine mixed fuel.
The Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine proposes to determine the exact content of ethanol and/or bio-components based on it, which are produced in the customs territory of our country, in gasoline, which is sold on the territory of Ukraine, in the following proportions:
- In 2013 and up to 01.07.2014 - recommended content is not less than 5 % (by volume);
- From 01.07.2014 - required content is not less than 3 % and not more than 5 % (by volume);
- 2016 - the compulsory content is not less than 5 % and not more than 10 % (by volume).
Author: Ivan Prokhorov