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Poland increased its imports of Ukrainian charcoal by 20% in 2013

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Объявление - Poland increased its imports of Ukrainian charcoal by 20% in 2013

According to the database of European charcoal importers and buyers 2012-2013 prepared by the experts of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal, in 2013 Poland increased its imports of Ukrainian charcoal by more than 6 000 tons (20%) in comparison with 2012.

Poland has one of the largest charcoal markets in the European Union. So, in 2013 its charcoal imports from Ukraine totaled more than 36 thousand tons that is 6 thousand tons more than in 2012. 

According to the analysts of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal, the imports mainly increased due to the emergence of new large companies on the Poland charcoal market, such as Gryfskand Sp. z.o.o., Dancoal Sp. zoo, EKO-HIT sc, PHU Mirand-Plus, etc. In general, in 2013 in Ukraine there were about 50 Polish importing companies compared to 35 in 2012.

However, many Polish importing companies reduced their purchases of Ukrainian charcoal in 2013 in comparison with 2012. For example, the largest company on the Polish charcoal market Grill-Impex in 2013 bought a little bit more than 10 thousand tons relatively to 20 thousand tons in 2012. Such companies as Grilex, Firma Skrobot, Akme Export-Import, PW Bogdan Raczkowski, Firma Bracia Tocarscy and others reduced their import volumes even more than by 50%. In 2012 their charcoal consumption varied between 700-2,000 tons. Only a few entities reached and even exceeded the volumes of 2012. In particular Lidl Polska Sklepy Spozywcze, which charcoal imports totaled 980 tons in 2013 compared to 508 tons in 2012.

The experts claim that in 2013 European importers reduced their supplies of Ukrainian charcoal due to significant flooding in Europe, which inflicted serious losses to importers and caused a decline in the purchasing power of many European companies.

So, Poland increased the imports of Ukrainian charcoal by 20% in 2013. The total volume of imports amounted to more than 36 thousand tons of charcoal.

Author: Ivan Prokhorov

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