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Solar energy will create 1.000 workplaces within 2 years in the United Arab Emirates

Such data were published by the International Renewable Energy Agency, forcasting a growth of the industry by 18% within two years.

A similar forecast is also given by the Middle East Solar Industry Association. Vahid Fotuhi is the Founder and President of this organization, he declares that such an increment of growth will be provided both by large projects like Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, and by installation of solar panels. "The Installation of the solar panels in the residential and commercial sector will create a lot of workplaces in the sphere of construction, engineering, production, maintenance and supply, and financing," - he said.

One of such projects is Shams Dubai, which has been launched by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority issued a range of directives on solar energy generation in the buildings as a part of a plan for increase of the photovoltaic powers in the United Arab Emirates.

Company Acwa should be mentioned, it produces about 200 MWs/megawatts in the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park. Peddy Padmanafan, Director General, declared that they could create 300 workplaces in a power supply system.

According to the analysts of the Middle East Solar Industry Association, solar energy is the largest employer in the field of alternative energy, while being ahead of production of the biofuel, wind power, hydro and geothermal energy. Overall, this sphere contains 2.5 million employed people of 7.7 million of those who are involved in alternative energy.

"If Persian Gulf States achieve its goals in the sphere of alternative energy – it would facilitate the creation of 120 thousand new workplaces, annually. Solar energy provides twice as many workplaces as oil or gas industry do." – emphasized Rabia Farukhi, who holds a position of the Head of Policy Unit Deputy Director – Knowledge, Policy and Finance at the International Renewable Energy Agency.

Arab company Omega may serve as an example, which develops and produces solar panels. Its personnel is to increase by 25 % within the next three months, what is more a part of its new personnel is to be engaged in sales.

"With the increase in volume of sales, Sales Department also needs to be expanded. Today, we receive a lot of orders from public and private enterprises, wishing to expand their production and, in connection with it, they need to increase power supply," - explained Omer Ghani, Executive Director of Omega.

In the meantime, the analysts explain such growth of the workplaces by the industry driver, which may have any market at a proper time. As far as it becomes replenished and with technology development, the companies will need less employees.

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