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The agrarians from Chernihiv forecast a perishing of rape crops

According to the information of Chernihiv Regional State Administration Press cutting service, the winter variety crops in the region are under threat.

Unfavourable weather conditions have led to this situation. Alexander Savchenko, the agricultural development department director of Chernihiv Regional State Administration explains that the last year’s drought, which has not been observed during about ten years, provoked the prolongation of a sowing season.

A melted snow mantle and scattered showers were supposed to improve the situation by soil moistening, but steep temperature drops proved to be a considerable stress for winter crops. A rise in prices for fuel fulfilled its role here, which cause an insufficient fertilizer application. As a direct result, 24% of grain crops are very frail or even have not sprouted, 54% are recognized as satisfactory.

There is growing concern in respect of winter rape. Out of 24 thousands of hectares sown by this crop, 4 thousands of hectares have perished completely. By the end of winter, a destruction of 12 thousands of hectares is forecasted, and apparently, the remaining areas ought to be resown during a winter campaign.

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