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The Government of Ukraine intends to reduce the consumption of gas by 10 milliards cubic metres by 2020

The introduction of the measures provided by the National Plan of Actions on the alternative energy by 2020 can help attain these goals.

This declaration belongs to Sergey Savchuk, the chairman of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving in Ukraine. According to him, this Plan suggests the development of all the aspects of alternative energy taking into consideration the aspect of bioenergy.

According to the preliminary forecasts, the total volume of energy produced with the help of alternative energy sources is expected to constitute 950 megawatts by 2020. All the regions of Ukraine show the potential for this. Moreover, the structure of the domestic agricultural areas allows to involve the exploitation of 4 millions of hectares for the energy crops growing without causing harm to the agriculture. The area extent exploited for the growing of ensilage maize, silver grass, poplar and energy willow is expected to cover not less than 200 thousands of hectares.

Besides, the National Plan suggests the construction of the enterprises manufacturing biofuel boilers and pellets and the development of the second generation bioethanol production. The required amount of investments constitutes 17 milliards of euros.

Olexandr Dombrovskij, the first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex noted that the National Plan of Actions performs a crucial role in developing the alternative energy in Ukraine, his viewpoint was appreciated by the Energy Association Secretariat.

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