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The ÖkoFEN Company has developed a prototype of the cogeneration pellet heating boiler

Revolutionary 5 kilowatt cogeneration heating system, equipped with a Stirling engine was introduced to consumers.

This boiler, working on the fuel from the biomass, is still at the design stage, and its first working version is expected to appear in the end of this year. It will satisfy all the criteria of using in residential premises of all the sizes.

The prototype was presented within participation of the ÖkoFEN Company in the international exhibition The World Sustainable Energy Days, which gathered the majority of the world's manufacturers of heating boilers, which working on the wood fuel. The technology provided by the Qnergy Company and the ÖkoFEN Company in the Austrian city of Wels, embodies the possibility of the production of the heat and the electrical energy using a single installation.

"The ability to generate five kilowatts and more gives us the opportunity to enter to the cogeneration markets, which had been out of our reach until that time. We hope to start the mass production of our products as fast as possible. The first customers, who has agreed to become our installation testers, will receive their orders in the near future "- said the founder and chairman of the ÖkoFEN Company Gerbert Otner.

"WE guarantee the operability of our installations over 60,000 hours, while it does not require service maintenance and can use different kinds of wood fuel. No other boiler has such characteristics. The ÖkoFEN Company appreciated the unique advantages very quickly and become a magnificent partner in the project "- said the Chairman of the Board of the Qnergy Company Erez Harel.

The principle of the operation of the installation is based on the fact that the gas released during the combustion of wood pellets, is transmitted to the piston cylinder head of the Stirling engine of the external combustion, initiate the process of the cyclical heating and cooling of the inert gas inside the engine. During this process the thermodynamic linear alternator generates electricity. The thermal energy heats the water, which is located in a boiler and can be used in heating systems, residential, commercial use or for industrial purposes. Thus, this advanced cogeneration installation produces a cheap electricity, which is corresponding to the requirements of the network as a byproduct of the combustion of low-cost and environmentally friendly fuel.

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