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The Project on biogas extraction in Ontario reached its crucial stage

The company Walker Group passed an important milestone in its project, which can help reduce the carbon dioxide emissions and fight the climate change in the State of Ontario.

In 2002 the company started its deliveries of gas for the enterprise Resolute Forest Products, which processed wood waste and waste paper, thus having saved about 200 millions of cubic metres of natural gas. The energy produced from biogas, which could have been wasted eventually, equals to the energy consumption of 80000 households in Ontario.

"We take pride in contributing to the innovations aimed at preventing the climate change in Ontario. By utilizing biogas, we convert wastes into valuable assets. Besides, we help the enterprises of Ontario refuse from the conventional sources of fuel", declared Mike White, the executive vice-president of the company Walker Environmental Group.

Biogas has content of methane and carbon dioxide and it is formed in the process of the organic materials decomposition. In 2009 the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change passed a decree declaring that in order to reduce gas emissions into the atmosphere, which create greenhouse effect, it is reasonable to accumulate and combust biogas formed in the huge scrap-heaps of the province. But, the company Walker Environmental Group working on Niagara proving ground, managed to carry out another large undertakings, it started to deliver biogas to the nearest paper-mill, thus having reduced its dependence on the conventional energy sources.

"Our collaboration with Walker Environmental Group proved to be quite successful. The use of renewable biogas fully corresponds to our requirements aimed at reducing the emissions into the atmosphere. As the honorary member of the Climate Conservation Program conceived by the International Fund for Wild Animal Welfare, our company sets goals to achieve the global level of the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the woodworking industry. We are happy about the fact that we managed to attain our goal two years earlier than the scheduled date, having decreased the indices by 67, 5% compared to 2000. The Projects similar to the Project developed by the company Walker Environmental Group conform to our norms and, moreover they represent the regular and cheap sources of renewable energy, necessary for our industry", declared Hord Cole, the vice-president and the senior manager of Resolute Forest Products in Thorold.

By replacing the unrenewable energy sources, this Project helped prevent the emissions of 375 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which equals to the emissions by 80 thousands of automobiles.

"Walker Environmental Group presented their successful accomplishments in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. This Project supports Niagara region and facilitates the effective use of energy produced from wastes", declared Catherine Crozier, the executive director of Niagara Sustainability Initiative Fund.

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