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Ukrainian manufacturers of pellets are moving to domestic market

An acute situation inside the gas market of Ukraine made its citizens reconsider wood pellet usage.

During 2014 Ukrainian manufacturers and traders of wood pellets have been watching a leap in demands for their products domestically. It is connected with the fact of changeover for solid biofuel by social and private facilities of the country. According to the statistics, solid-fuel boilers have being placed in more than 400 social facilities within a year. The operations have being carried out at the expense of state budgeting money as well as financing by foreign investors. The viability of modernization has been clearly shown at the end of the current heating period. The average cost saving made 200 000 hr. on each object, which is 15% from total amount of finance.

At the same time commercial facilities are also making a change to wood pellets usage. For instance, pellet boilers were used in such companies as Nikopol plant “Trubostal”, elevator LLC “Agrotekhnika”, Melitopol PF “Vodokanal” ect. Ukrainian landowners found it very beneficial to use alternative fuel as well. Pellets saved a lot of small agricultural farms, which had difficulties after increasing energy price.

As the experts of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal pellets-wood.com say, the leaders in changeover for wood pellets usage are western regions such as Ternopol, Volyn and Rovno ones. In 2015 this list is supposed to be completed by Kharkov, Odessa and Zaporozhie regions, which launched some large projects in implementations of alternative fuel types.

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