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Ukrainian rape exporters may lose their sales market

The European commission intends to cancel subsidizing biofuel production in Europe. The relevant conclusion is contained in the proposed resolution.  

It’s noted in the proposed resolution, the  Euro commission concluded that by 2020 only the biofuel which leads to greenhouse effect decrease and which doesn’t require food crops utilization will be subsidized.

As the result of such EU commission’s plans lots of popular fuel kinds may disappear from petrol stations, for instance such a popular in Germany E10. 

Brussels is going to reorient and switch over to producing fuel from algae and wastes instead of biofuel. We remind that some time ago the organization dealing with ethic questions in biology Nuffield Council on Bioethics appealed the Euro Union to stop encouraging biofuel usage.

According to experts’ data, the production of biofuel is rather harmful for environment, moreover it leads to the growth of prices for food stuffs.  

As we know, today Ukraine is the leading rape crops exporter to Europe. Its sales volumes directly depend on the demand in the European countries, such as Poland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.

It should be mentioned that not long ago the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich approved the law introducing a gradual increase of bioethanol in petrol. 

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