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Vinnitsa region reduced gas consumption by 30% in 2014

In 2014 Vinnitsa sugar mills achieved reduction in gas consumption by 30%. At the same time pellets produced 50 thousand tons of sugar more than in the previous year.

Department of Social Communication and Information Activities of the Vinnitsa Regional State Administration reported the news of gas consumption at sugar-refineries. Chairman of the Regional Administration Anatoliy Oleynik noted that in 2013 the volume of gas consumption for the industry provided 250 million cubic meters for the season, and in 2014 the index was 170 million cubic meter, that was 30% less compared to 2013.

According to Oleynik, Gaysinsky sugar-refinery almost totally uses alternative fuel. By analogy, similar operations are also carried out at Ilinetsky, Kryzhopolsky and Zhdanov manufactories. Thus, the sugar mills saved up to 30% of gas. While reducing the amount of gas consumption, Vinnitsa managed to significantly increase its sugar production by around 50 thousand tons. Comparing the last year’s volume of sugar output, when it was 370 thousand tons, in 2014 the index reached 420 thousand tons.

In turn, the chairman of the Regional State Administration said that 95 out of 146 budgetary institutions had already switched to alternative fuels, that allowed to save about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas. Construction and installation work is still carried out at 51 sites, so some gas reserve is still available.

RSA Chairman added that public institutions used 21 million cubic meters of gas. As a result 3 of 7 million cubic meters of gas were saved. At the moment some measures are being taken to keep the limit of about 2.5-3 million cubic meters, which is equivalent to four-day gas consumption.

Therefore, in 2014 sugar factories reduced the limits on consumption of natural gas to 51 million cubic meters versus 73 million in 2013.

Author: Ivan Prokhorov

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