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Wood pellets turn into biogasoline. One more now-how on the biofuel market.

A startup company Primus Green Energy has come up with the new technology which enables to turn wood pellets and natural gas into high-octane gasoline. However, what is the cost of this project?

During interview Yom-Tov Samia (CEO of  Primus Green Energy) is standing in front of a small plant where in a gasifier (tank of the cylindrical form) wood pellets are converted into high-quality gasoline.

The tendency is obvious – modern companies producing energy supply, lay a bigger stress on “biogasoline” and deal less with ethanol. Primus Green Energy is one of them, by the end of the year it plans to open its pilot plant where high-octane gasoline will be produced of wood pellets. The enterprise located in Hillsborough (New Jersey), intends to invest $50 -100 mln dollars in the industrial company which is supposed to reach the sufficient output by 2015.

Many producing companies have already managed to make powder out of biomass and then by adding ferments get ethanol and other chemicals. Primus Green Energy and similar firms are working actively to find the substitute for a traditional gasoline, fuel for jets and other petrochemical products. They hope such products will be appreciated by consumers rather soon, and the demand existing on biofuel infrastructure will be satisfied.

The precursors for Primus Green Energy were first invented in Princeton University by company’s co-founder and technical director Moshe Ben-Reuven, who made $40 mln in 2007 when heading and developing Israel Corp.

During presentation of the future plant wood pellets were placed into gasifier, which through adding super-heated steam turned boimass into gaseous blend of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Then a natural gas was added and the mix received was put into scrubber for cleaning from impurities like sulphur. After this a synthetic gas was placed into another tank where catalysts turned carbon-hydrogen gas into “biogasoline” and water (by-product).

“Producing high-octane gasoline, Primus Green Energy will manage to sell its product to oil-processing enterprises and charge higher rates than those for lower-octane products or ethanol, which is mixed with gasoline”, said George Boyajian, vice-president of company. The first company’s plant, intended to introduce the new technology and control it throughout all stages, is planned start functioning by the end of this year.

Many young companies have already created the systems which enable to make chemicals out of plants. However, none of them moved further than the initial stage and started a sufficient production process. For example, Range Fuels company had to face serious technical problems, which didn’t allow to convert wood waste products into fuel, as it was planned before. Last year this company went bankrupt and its property was sold off. Another big obstacle is a high cost of such projects. Far not many companies may  shoulder such a burden even with the state subsidies.

As for Green Energy, there still exists equipment, for instance  gasifier or gas-to-liquid converter, which require improvement. Still Mr. Boyajian affirms that they are able to fulfill this task with time. “We’ve done some invention, now the engineering part is left”, vice-president of the company says.

“The following company’s projects will assist in improving our financial state. At present there exists an idea connected with crude oil. We’re working on technical aspect and searching for advantageous contractors”, said Boyajian.

One of the reasons why Mr Boyajian is certain regarding their prospective financial future is that their company’s project is profitable and efficient. Each tone of biomass can bring about 250 kilos of fuel. Moreover, the anticipated cost price is 2$ when the selling price, if to take a present market situation into account, is 3.3$.

Primus Green Energy company plans to place its pilot plant in Pennsylvania, where wood will be converted into pellet fuel. Additionally this enterprise may deal with natural gas or miscanthus and have high flexibility in using feedstock.



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