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Biomass makes Ontario energetically independent

Makes Ontario energetically

The group of visitors who are frankly interested in the so called Ontario home grown solution of energy problems, stopped in Sault Ste. Marie on Tuesday evening.

The Ontario Power Workers’ Union conducted the meeting in the Royal Canadian Legion Branch and discussed the question of converting coal power plants into biomass plants. Within this production process natural gas and specially cultivated crops are supposed to become the main fuel.

In Bob Menard’s opinion (the Ontario Power Workers' Union representative), the conversion to biomass will save several plants from being liquidated, moreover this will supply power plants with reliable energy source for a long time. 

As for biomass, it may be produced from a range of renewable raw materials, for instance wood, oat and millet straw or cornstalks.  

Menard pointed out that the feedstock for biofuel are the wastes from agricultural production or particularly grown plants which won’t be used by farmers for manufacturing food products. He also added that this project may create lots of working places in province and bring a good revenue if it is supported by the local government.

Menard hopes that his visit to 12 cities will encourage the Liberal government, especially Chris Bentley (the minister of energetic) to contribute to conversion coal plants into biomass plants. It should be noted that Ontario authorities are planning to liquidated all companies working on coal by 2014.

Menard is sure that there are supporters of this idea. Moreover such project may become a very influential political force. Bob Thomas is one of these people, who attended the meeting along with other 10 participants. Thomas, the local representative of  LacWood Inc. (wood pellet producer) urges the government to start taking the necessary measures. 

As Thomas says, the popularity of biomass is so huge around, European countries left the USA far behind long ago with their produced and used biomass volumes. Numerous countries of the EU purchase biomass on the North of Ontario, besides this one Italian company (located in Rome) have already started negotiations with local plants regarding buying wood pellets in bulk. 

Meanwhile Menard wants to be completely ascertained that the authorities will support the project devoted to introduction biomass to the local production companies. He says he’d like to see a real interest and a serious attitude to the project from the Ministry of energetic, he also hopes to get their financial assistance soon.

Menard added that this material support will determine available costs, the process of the project’s development and the possibility to arrange a supply chain. As Menard says, when this chain is created the cities like Sault Ste. Marie will be able to realize, what functions they could perform in the process of biomass production in this region.

Menard assumes that Sault Ste. Marie may perform the role of port for the North Ontario, and maybe, if the regional harbor starts functioning, for the whole Ontario.

In Thomas’ opinion, in order to get a strong player on the biomass market, it's necessary to launch a wood pellet production process. The plant producing biomass is primarily needed, besides this the collecting and processing wood wastes which are always left in nearby forests  should be arranged.  

However, there is the question if it’s possible to organize a wood pellet plant in Sault Ste. Marie.

Thomas affirms that a supply chain hasn’t been formed yet, therefore Sault Ste. Marie will be a suitable place due to a range of reasons. If local citizens want to find them out, they should reach out to Bentley and tell him of their desire to have a biomass production in their province and also get a necessary support for this.  

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Views: 2177 Added: 01-10-2012