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2019-05-18 09:27:00

Charcoal buyers from Europe

European Charcoal Buyers in 2018

Release Date: 28.02.2018

Total companies 2015: 341
Total companies 2016: 187 (I кв.)
Total companies 2016: 464
Total companies 2017: (check pending)
Total companies 2018: 376

Base Format: .xls

Purchase Volume 2015: 162 208 МТ
Purchase Volume 2016: 151 957 МТ
Purchase Volume 2017: 174 180 МТ
Purchase Volume 2018: 174 032 МТ

Database of Charcoal Importing Companies: Structure and Purpose

This database is created on the basis of statistical as well as informational and analytical data on supplies of Ukrainian charcoal to Europe for the specified period.

The database includes reliable and detailed information about importing companies with country, exact address and location, e-mail and website, phone and fax numbers as well as the representatives of these companies with their contact details.

The Database of European Charcoal Importing Companies from Ukraine also shows the procurement volume of each company for the specified period which makes it possible to assess the opportunities of an importer - buyer and prospects for potential collaboration.

In total, this database includes information on 376 importing companies from 45 countries of the world, the vast majority of which are located on the European continent.

Table 1. European Buyers of Charcoal in Ukraine 2018
CountryVolume, MTCompanies
Poland 68 546 47
Germany 30 682 75
Romania 24 518 53
Belgium 16 606 8
Netherlands 5 104 10
Bulgaria 4 627 15
France 4 521 8
Czech Republic 3 889 17
Iraq 1 905 15
Slovakia 1 828 8
Austria 1 628 7
Turkey 1 463 31
Hungary 1 302 8
Lithuania 1 209 12
Moldova 1 071 16
Switzerland 1 045 2
Sweden 816 7
Estonia 518 4
United Kingdom 463 4
Denmark 378 1
Greece 320 5
Israel 320 16
Latvia 626 14
Finland 120 2
Austria 84 1
Saudi Arabia 46 3
Estonia 43 1
UAE 41 2
USA 36 2
Greece 36 2
Italy 89 3
Oman 31 2
Palestine 22 2
Lebanon 21 1
Jordan 20 1
Syrian Arab Republic 19 1
Montenegro 15 1
Azerbaijan 13 2
Belarus 4 3
Georgia 2 1
Russian Federation 2 2

The Database of European Charcoal Importers from Ukraine is specialized and compiled by market experts.

The experts of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal, who prepared this database, make regular monitoring of domestic charcoal exports and continuously update the data in the information and analytical system of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal over the past five years. The experts say that Poland is traditionally the leading importer of domestic charcoal. From this volume, the share of major European importers - Poland, Belgium, Germany, and Romania is more than 80% of the total export of this alternative fuel type supplied by our country. In particular, Poland purchased 56% of this volume, Belgium - 24%, Germany - 14% and Romania - almost 6%.

Advantages of the Database of European Charcoal Importers from Ukraine

Charcoal import 2018

Click the database screenshot to enlarge.

A lot of the importing companies represented in the database have many years of experience in sustainable cooperation with Ukrainian charcoal producers and show the relatively stable result of import volumes.

The European Database of Charcoal Importers from Ukraine in 2018 makes it possible to monitor the export dynamics clearly and draw conclusions about its prospects in the near future with a high degree of probability.

This informational and analytical release is of particular interest for Ukrainian charcoal producers, who have recently entered the market, allowing them to focus on it more clearly and significantly expand their export potential.

Also, this information will be of interest to business which implies diversification due to the deployment of charcoal production.
Analytical information of the Database of Ukrainian Charcoal Importers will provide invaluable assistance to traders in the optimal commercial offer making and effective search for new markets.

In addition, charcoal exporters from Ukraine’s neighbouring countries will be able, using the information provided, to optimize their pricing and logistics policies which will allowing them to establish new or continue existing international trade cooperation on more favourable conditions for both parties.

charcoal-importers-2018.xls 461kb

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