The database of Ukrainian wood pellet (solid biofuel) exporters in 2012
After studying the statistics of solid biofuel export from Ukraine in 2012 the marketing specialists of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal prepared the database of wood pellet (solid biofuel) exporters in 2012.
The number of companies: 146
The date of release: 05.08.2013
Updated: 20.09.2013
Export volume: 211 058 tons
The database structure according to the exporters’ localization
The advantages of the database of Ukrainian wood pellet (solid biofuel) exporters in 2012
The presented companies export solid biofuel from Ukraine for many a year what proves their reliability and reputation for the foreign party;
The approximate wood pellet export volumes and their average companies’ export prices for 2012 are given.
This is the tool for European companies’ effective work in the Ukrainian market.
The structure of the database of Ukrainian wood pellet (solid biofuel) exporters in 2012
The database contains the following fields: Name, Address, Region, Volume, Approximate export turnover, Average export price UAH/ton, Tel.1, Tel.2, Fax, Representative, Email, Internet site, Skype
The database of Ukrainian wood pellet exporters in 2012 is recommended for large-wholesale solid biofuel buyers (companies from EU countries) in Ukraine.
European Importers Database and Rating of Ukrainian Wood pellets 2012
White database of straw pellet producers and suppliers 2009-2013
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