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Energy policy: new challenges for the Oxford Town Council

The Oxford Town Council adopted two resolutions touching energy issue. They aim to reduce traditional electricity consumption, involve the alternative power sources and make domestic power production more environment-friendly.

The energy issue is on the table in the United States at present. One of the problems that must be solved on the local scale is how to reduce the use of electricity and involve renewable sources into power production. In this case, the local authorities are trying to conduct a new energy policy.

The Oxford Town Council approved two resolutions

For instance, on Tuesday, October 13, The Oxford Town Council, Maryland, approved two resolutions touching decreasing energy consumption and utilization of alternative power sources.

Another reason to adopt these documents was that The Oxford Council had sent an application in The Maryland Energy Administration in order to get a grant. One of the requirements is to adopt resolutions addressing energy policy.

HVAC system should be replaced

This grant is considered to cover the expenses connected with HVAC system replacement. Nowadays HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems are widely used in order to fix and maintain the indoor thermal comfort in the housing accommodations, vehicles, industrial and office buildings, aquariums etc. This system works on the thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer technologies.

The necessity of HVAC system replacement arose because it had become outdated. Such conclusion was made on grounds that this technology was both expensive and environment-unfriendly. It is known to run on traditional energy sources and consume approximately 13 percent of electricity produced worldwide.

HVAC system is also a source of the harmful chemical compounds release, for example, nitrogen oxides, formaldehydes and carbon monoxide – the most dangerous among them, which can even be lethal. That is why this heating system should be definitely overhauled.

Maryland Clean Energy Grant Program called upon to address energy issue

The Maryland Energy Administration upholds the same position. There is Maryland Clean Energy Grant Program developed by the Administration in order to address this issue. As it was said before, one of the main demands for those, who intended to get financial support according to this program, was to adopt resolutions touching reducing the fossil fuels consumption.

The Maryland Energy Administration’s program provides grants of up to $25 000 for local governments, businesses, non-profit organizations and homeowners, who are ready to install, for instance, solar panels or other types of power providing devices instead of harmful HVAC systems.

The Program started in 2005 and got its funding extended in 2015. It aims to provide citizens with alternative energy sources. It includes mid-sized solar-electric (PV) and solar water-heating (SHW) systems installation. It also determines the strict technical demands to the technique installed.

The Maryland Energy Administration’s grant gives a spur for energy policy development

This program makes it possible to stimulate the clean energy production and to decrease consumption of electricity produced on the basis of traditional power sources.

As an attempt to adopt these two resolutions had been undertaken before, The Maryland Energy Administration’s program gave necessary spur to finally approve them. According to towns clerk’s, Cheryl Lewis, the possibility of getting this grant established the basis for making local energy policy more environmental-friendly.

Consequently, this program includes two main goals: to reduce traditional electricity consumption and to incorporate alternative energy sources, for instance, based on solar power. The Oxford Town Council approved both of resolutions in terms of these goals.

The bids are opened

Moreover, in order to involve commercial organizations, the bids were opened on September 30, 2015. As a result, such companies as Greenlee Group Inc., Kubiak and Associates, Community Land and Economics Use took a part in the bids.

Greenlee Group Inc. is an American company, founded in 1989, which provides appraisal and economic consulting services for businesses, entrepreneurs, farmers etc.

Kubiak and Associates is a company, which provides personal services, such as personal financial planning, estate planning, elder care and diverse business services touching audition, tax assessment and fraud prevention.

Community Land and Economics Use (CLEU) is a consulting focused firm, which helps to establish commercial centers. This company pays attention to removing bureaucratic and financial impediments, forming appropriate environment for investment activities and implementation of practical plans.

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