Every new day solar energy invades our life and the engineers all over the world seek to develop new methods of its use.
Automobile Industry
During a few past years, they used to inform time and again that the engineering of automobiles equipped with solar panels would be launched. In particular, such work had been carried out by the engineers of the Concern Ford. Though, conspicuous success belongs solely to a group of students of Eindhoven University, Netherlands. In the course of the testing, the engineered automobile "Stella" covered more than 300 kilometres running exclusively on solar energy.
Watch Industry
Presently the fans of ecologically clean energy can buy watches designed by Apple working on the battery, which provides a 18-hour functioning, and the model G-Shock of the company Casio, working during several months. A difference lies in the price and the functionality.
The company Big Belly offers to the companies and to the municipalities the dustbins estimated at 4 thousands of dollars, equipped with wastes presses functioning on solar energy. Thus, it ensures the reduction of garbage trucks rides and it helps save fuel necessary for their work.
Conditioning systems
Lately the company Lennox started to offer to its customers the domestic systems of air conditioning working on solar batteries. Certainly, its cost is high, around some thousands of dollars, but in near future it can provide the economic effect.
Computer keyboards
Solar energy can help you use your keyboard even if there is no electricity. Logitech, a well-known manufacturer of computer peripheral generated its sales of the keyboard running on solar batteries, capable of functioning during three months powered by a single battery charging.