Having studied wood pellet market in Ukraine the marketeers of Ukrainian Biofuel Portal pellets-wood.com present the next release of Ukrainian wood pellet producers and exporters database for the whole 2013.
Release date: 07.04.2014
Period: 2013
Companies: 149
New companies: 70
Export Volume: 161 373 tones
Dynamics: recession by 23% to 2012
Diagram 1 shows top regions in Ukraine by wood pellet exporting companies: Zakarpatska, Volynska, Lvivska, Kievska, Ivano-Frankivska, Zhytomyrska.
Wood pellet exporters and producers database
The export dynamics is given in the database, i.e. the export volumes for the year with changes to the previous one are provided by each company that allows to see the market activity.
The exporters and producers database contains the following fields: company name, address, region, volume 2012, volume 2013, tel. 1, tel. 2, fax, representative, email, site, skype.
The database is featured by reliability of the provided both contact and statistic information.
Wood pellet exporters and producers database 2013 will be helpful for wholesale buyers of solid biofuel (companies from EU countries), and also the manufacturing companes for competitors activity and market change monitoring.
Author: Ivan Prokhorov
Ukrainian wood briquettes european buyers and importers Database 2013 (ultimate)
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