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IBM, Walmart, and Dow Chemical сompanies announced increasing of the share of renewables in its energy consumption

Walmart, and Dow Chemical сompanies

Intentions to reduce costs and greenhouse gas emissions has led to the rapid development of alternative energy technologies such as solar, geothermal, wind and biomass, and waste management. Leaders in the integration of these techniques are such giants of the world economy as Apple, Google, IBM, Walmart, IKEA, and Dow Chemical.

In March this year, IBM announced its rush to increase the level of energy consumption at the expense of alternative sources to 20% by 2020. Solar panels, hydroelectric power generation and power using biomass are considered as sources. According to the statement, the annual increase in the volume of alternative energy will be about 800 thousand MW, which is enough to cover the needs of 100 thousand people. The company's management also reported that electricity purchases will be carried out directly from the manufacturers, as it is cheaper than buying credit obligations.

It is worth noting that IBM is already quite a long time using alternative energy sources, and not only in the European division, which is relatively easy, but in other regions of the world.

Simultaneously with the IBM application Walmart Corporation, which is the main commercial users of solar energy, today announced the signing of a contract with the French company Akuo Energy, which will supply electricity generated by wind farms in Texas. Volume shipments will be 40 megawatts, followed by an increase in generating capacity to 180 megawatts.

The deal on the use of alternative energy will be translated more than 350 supermarkets and distribution centers Walmart. In total Walmart plans to increase the volume of electricity consumption at the expense of renewable energy up to 7 billion kilowatts by 2020. Moreover, Walmart management signed a major contract with SolarCity, which installs solar panels on the roofs of supermarkets in the United States.

Another significant event was the signing of 15 years contract between Dow Chemical Company and Bordas Wind Energy. Under this agreement, Bordas Wind Energy will begin the supply of electricity at a chemical plant Dow Chemical, located in the state of Texas. The volume of supply will amount 200 megawatts, which will cover about 15% of the total share of energy consumption enterprises.

IBM, Walmart, and Dow Chemical сompanies announced increasing of the share of renewables in its energy consumption

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Views: 1719 Added: 01-07-2015