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Shell has declared about the need of transition of world power to RES

Has declared about the need of transition

Such statement has been made by Ben van Berden, the chairman of the board of Royal Dutch Shell, during its performance at the meeting of member countries of the OPEC, which has taken place in Vienna.

Mr. van Berden has paid special attention to the fact that for ensuring reliable and economic power supply in the future, the traditional power needs to begin process of integration and joint operation with renewable energy resources already today. In particular, he has declared, that "in the world where Saudi Arabia has decided to become the leading player in the market wind and solar power, we cannot ignore vision of the future in which the main rate is made on alternative energy. I believe that all members of OPEC shall treat it seriously and not only because this is my opinion, but also because the public opinion will not forgive us our failure to act".

Need of transition of world power from consumption of coal to system in which use of RES, natural gas and decrease in emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be in the lead was especially emphasized.

It was emphasized the transition of world energy from coal consumption to the system dominating RES, natural gas and reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

It is caused by the forecasts of International Energy Agency according to which when preserving population growth, the energy consumption will grow by 40 percent. Thus, the need of climate change prevention provides urgent emission reduction of carbon dioxide. "As a matter of fact, we need more energy production with the smaller level of emissions", Mr. van Berden emphasized.

Royal Dutch Shell is among the leading energy companies, which have joined the agreement on climate preserving accepted by the UN and signed the open letter with an appeal about entering of more effective payment system for emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere published earlier in the Financial Times.

Mr. van Berden has declared that "transition to energy security is not simple change of power generation system. More likely, it is a method of mutual integration of the old and new systems capable to complementarity and further development. To achieve these objectives, joint operation of the governments, the public and representatives of business is necessary."

Unfortunately, the representatives of USA oil refining companies, such as ExxonMobil and Chevron Corporation, have refused to join the European partners. In particular, the chairman of the board of ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson has declared that he does not intend "to simulate efforts".

Shell has declared about the need of transition of world power to RES

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Views: 2040 Added: 30-10-2016