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The closure of coal-fired power plants in the UK leads to uncertainty

Closure of coal-fired power plants in the UK

The UK government has decided to shut all coal-fired power plants by 2025. This plan was announced by Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd. According to a new energy policy of the United Kingdom, coal is to be replaced with natural gas, nuclear and offshore wind. What is more, it gives an opportunity for the growth of renewable energy industry.

Coal-fired energy system is claimed ineffective

The share of coal in general energy production remains significant – this figure equates approximately 30 per cent. Though coal-fired power plants are considered to be the dirtiest, the use of coal has just increased since 1999. However, Amber Rudd is convinced, that outdated national energy system, which is contributing to the pollution of atmosphere the most, is not suitable for an advanced economy.

In this case, Energy secretary claims that British energy infrastructure requires thoroughgoing reforms. During a long period of time national coal industry was facing the lack of investments. As a result, it is not able to provide consumers with efficient amount of electricity.The point is that approximately 45 per cent of energy produced is used in order to heat buildings. It provides a third of all carbon emission.

However, the recent shortage of electricity, which took a place on a day, when the weather was quite mild, has revealed that national energy system is extremely ineffective. This situation is expected to become even worth during the coldest months.

What is the alternative for coal-fired power plants?

That is why the United Kingdom is to phase out all coal-fired power plants within 10 years and reform it entirely. Initially, the government was going to have accomplished this plan by 2023. However, another problem arose.

On condition that all coal-fired power plants are closed, an alternative has to be suggested. Amber Rudd offers to replace coal with natural gas, nuclear and offshore wind. At the same time she assures that renewable energy sources, such as solar and onshore wind, are not an appropriate solution.

The point is that these kinds of renewables are completely dependent on weather conditions. In the event that there is no wind and the weather is gloomy, solar panels and wind farms will not be able to produce sufficient amount of energy. As a result, the shortages of electricity will be unavoidable.

That is why British energy system is to rely on natural gas and nuclear. Nevertheless, the problem is that a number of energy companies failed to build more gas-fired power plants. That is to say that there is no appropriate alternative in order to replace existing energy system. In this case, the closure of coal-fired power plants was postponed for two years.

Coal-fired plants closure is welcomed

When Amber Rudd took a position as Energy and Climate Change Secretary, her first step was to cut subsidies for solar and wind energy. However, in accordance with the energy policy of the Government, led by David Cameron, the UK was to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and involve renewables in the production of energy. In order not to contradict with the governmental strategy, Energy Secretary decided to shut all coal-fired power stations.

The EEF manufacturers’ lobby group welcomed this decision. Head of energy policy at EEF, Claire Jakobsson, stated that this plan would make it possible to boost the growth of gas industry. She also added that the United Kingdom has no more time and costs to maintain ineffective coal industry.

The closure of coal-fired power plant is to increase the use of biomass

Beyond that, Dorothy Thompson, CEO of Drax Group believes that such governmental decision is to contribute significantly to the growth of biomass industry. She has informed that three of six units at Drax Power Station are already converted.

It means that this power plant is enabled to produce electricity by using the mix of different energy sources. Though coal and gas are used to produce the majority of energy in the United Kingdom, the use of biomass makes it possible to provide consumers with sufficient amount of affordable and relatively clean energy.

In summary, the UK government decided to close all coal-fired power station and replace coal with gas and nuclear. This decision is of both economic and political nature. However, there is no efficient alternative energy system, which is able to keep the lights on when coal-fired plants are closed. In this case, such governmental policy requires revision.

The closure of coal-fired power plants in the UK leads to uncertainty

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